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Post Natal Massage

Get The Treatment You Deserve

Our popular Javanese Post Natal Massage involves massaging the body with specially formulated herbs, oils and hot stones to improve circulation. It gently helps get the mummy’s internal organs back into place and works wonders for breastfeeding.

Massage Supplies

Postnatal Massage

is usually attributed for the swift return to the pre-pregnancy body "shape" and conditioning amongst East-Asia women.the reduction of post-partum swelling,appearance of stretch marks,cellulite as well as water retention,wind and muscular spasms are just some of the benefits of INDONESIAN Traditional Postnatal Massage.

Hot stone abdomen compress ( Tungku )

is excellent for circulation,removal of blood clot in the uterus,expelling wind and achieving relief from bloatedness.


V-Spa Ratus Àyu / Ganggang

is a unique treatment and the secret beauty of java princess care priority just for woman especially for honeymooners,it is a javanese tradition that has been carried out since Majapahit time.special body smoke reputed to cleanse the female genitalia,remove unpleasant odors and reduce vagina discharge.this is to treat your vagina area to improve blood circulation,relaxes the pelvic floor muscles so that the vaginal area becomes more tight and to prevent and reduce white and excessive discharge,leaving it free from unpleasant odour nor helps to prevent infection whilst rejuvenating and tightening the intimate area.

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